You may also like to learn these. The more verbs you know, the easier it is to express yourself and understand the language in general. Enjoy. =)
Accept =
Admire =
Admit =
Afford =
Allow =
Annoy =
Apologise =
Appear =
Appreciate =
Approach =
Argue =
Arrive =
Attract =
Bark =
Bear =
Beat =
Beg =
Begin =
Believe =
Belong =
Bend =
Bite =
Blame =
Blow =
Boast =
Bother =
Bow =
Breathe =
Build =
Burn =
Bury =
Cancel =
Care (for, about) =
Catch =
Cheat =
Check =
Clear =
Collect =
Compare =
Concern =
Confuse =
Connect =
Consider =
Consist =
Continue =
Copy =
Cost =
Cough =
Cover =
Create =
Cure =
Damage =
Dare =
Deceive =
Decide =
Decorate =
Defend =
Demand =
Deny =
Depend (on) =
Describe =
Deserve =
Develop =
Differ =
Disappear =
Discover =
Discuss =
Disturb =
Dive =
Divide =
Doubt =
Drop =
Drown =
Dry =
Earn =
Embarrass =
Embrace =
End =
Enjoy =
Enter =
Entertain =
Envy =
Escape =
Exaggerate =
Exchange =
Excite =
Excuse =
Expect =
Explain =
Express =
Fail =
Fall =
Fear =
Fill =
Finish =
Fire =
Fit =
Fix =
Flatter =
Flow =
Fold =
Follow =
Forbid =
Force =
Forgive =
Freeze =
Frighten =
Fulfil =
Gather =
Graduate =
Guess =
Happen =
Hate =
Hesitate =
Hide =
Hit =
Hold =
Hope =
Hurry =
Hurt =
Ignore =
Imagine =
Improve =
Inquire =
Instruct =
Intend =
Interfere =
Interpret =
Interrupt =
Introduce =
Invent =
Invite =
Irritate =