Идти/Ходить (to) Go On foot
Ехать/Ездить By transport
Eg. Я хожу на работу (пешком). = I go to work on foot…or…I walk to work.
Войти (to) Go in Into, Inside
Eg. Он вошел в дом.
= He went into the house.
Выйти (to) Go out Leave, go outside
Eg. Она вышла из дома, что бы увидеть его. = She went out of the house in order to see him.
У- (to) Leave Go away, move away from
Eg. Извините, он уже ушел. = Sorry, he has already left.
По- (to) Go Start going
Eg. Пойдем! = Lets go! (Lit. Lets start going!)
За- (to) Call in Drop by
Eg. Я зайду в магазин после работы. = I will call in the shop after work.
При- (to) Come Arrive
Eg. Поезд приехал вовремя. = The train arrived on time.
Обо- (to) Go around
Eg. Go (a)round the corner and you’ll see the café.
До- (to) Go up to Go as far as
Eg. Автобус доедет до метро? = Does the bus go as far as the metro?
Подо- (to) Go/Come up to
Eg. Вчера мужчина подошел к мне и…= Yesterday, a man came up to me and…
Пере- (to) Go across to cross (eg. the road)
Eg. Мальчик перешел дорогу. = The boy crossed the road.
Ото- (to) Move away, Move off, Leave, Depart.
Eg. Обои отошли от стены. = The wallpaper has come away from the wall.
Про- (to) go past to Pass (by, through), to go by.
Eg. Она прошла мимо меня. = She passed me by…or…She passed by me.
Сходить (to) go [+ come back]
Eg. Он сходил в магазин. = He went to the shop.